Samfunnsøkonomenes forskermøte

Foto: CF-Wesenberg /
Dato 28. Nov - 29. Nov
Sted NTNU, Trondheim
Påmeldingsfrist 01. Nov

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and Samfunnsøkonomene invites you to the 46th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NORWEGIAN ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMISTS, 28-29 November 2024.

Call for papers

Papers for contributed sessions are welcome in all areas of economics including finance.  We also welcome the submission of complete sessions.

We particularly encourage submissions from PhD students. The Norwegian Association for Economists awards a prize for the best paper presented by a PhD student. Read more about the PhD-Prize here

Plenary lectures

Mari Rege, UIS
Jon Fiva, BI
Ragnar Torvik, NTNU, Lecture on the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics 2024

Invited sessions organised by:

Inga Heiland, NTNU – International trade
Astrid Sandsør, UIO – Education
Gernot Doppelhofer, NHH – Macroeconomics


Submission of papers/abstract: October 14
Registration: November 1

Participation fee

3550 NOK for members of Samfunnsøkonomene, 5150 NOK for non-members, and 2850 NOK for PhD students (including VAT)

We hope to see all of you in Trondheim in November!

Organizing Committee:

  • Colin Green, NTNU
  • Jon Marius Vaag Iversen, NTNU
  • Sissel Jensen, NHH
  • Eirin Mølland, UiA

Please contact Marianne Rustand  for inquiries.